Iqaluit Fine Arts Studio, Iqaluit

Iqaluit Fine Arts Studio is serving since 45 years. The fine art comes from many different regions of the great north that includes Iqaluit, CapeDorset, Kimmirut, Rankin Inlet, Baker Lake, Oopininik, ClydeRiver and Pangnirtung. 

Iqaluit Fine Arts Studio has a vast collection of fine Arts pieces like sculptures, Jewelery, Prints, Drawings, Paintings, Tapestry, Art Cards, and Clothing, Artifacts, books and Crafts. The fine art is made of different materials which include Stone, Whalebone, Antler, Silver, Ivory, Fur, Paper, Skin, Wool, Wood, Brass and Baleen.



Iqaluit, NU X0A

Telephone: (867) 979-5578